Wednesday, August 25, 2021

My RE word cloud

This morning I watched Gospel recording according to John, I learnt that Jesus doesn't force people to be his disciples he lets them choose. I choose to follow Jesus because hes' a God, he's kind and loves everyone. I trust Jesus because he listens to peoples prayers. 

These are some words that remind me of Jesus.
I found it challenging to make my word cloud and get all the words to fit into a shape and to pick the colours.



  1. Kia Ora Torbyn,
    What a fantastic quality blog post reflecting on your learning. I really like your word cloud, it is bright and captures the reader's eye.
    Ma te wa
    Mrs Aperahama

  2. Wow Torbyn I love that you chose to follow Jesus. He is so cool and loves us so much. Your word cloud loves Fabulous, the words that you have chosen have such strong meaning as well. God Bless Mrs B


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