Friday, May 7, 2021

Life Cycle of a butterfly

 This week for reading I was learning to use evidence to answer questions.

My digital learning object shows I am learning the life cycle of a butterfly. Here is my animation of the butterflies life cycle, it goes from a cocoon to a caterpillar then it forms into a chrysalis then it transforms into a butterfly.

I enjoyed editing my butterfly because it was easy to find the pictures to put into my animation.

I found it tricky finding the correct pictures for the life cycle, there were heaps to choose from and I couldn't decided which ones to use.

Here is my animation of a butterflies life cycle.


  1. Dear Torbyn,
    I am highly impressed with your quality blog post about your learning. Maybe next time when you click file publish to the web you can set the animation to 1 seconds and auto start that way it will play through like an animation.
    Ma Te Wa
    Mrs Aperahama

    1. Good evening Mrs Aperahama thank you for your comment,I went into the three dots on the bottom of the screen,and prest Auto play then choose every second which made it look like an animation like you said.



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